Sunday, June 28, 2009

I went for a walk today...

and I took my camera with me.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama JibJab!

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The Next Blog >> Button

So I decided to take a little virtual trip today. I clicked on that Next Blog >> button like crazy. I saw all kinds of neat things from pages that look like they fell off My Space to some really nifty looking blogs. The travel adventure was also world wide so I got to see a little of everything, including that one annoying Italian politicians blog that came up 200 times on a random Next Blog >> tour. >_>

So take a trip down Next Blog >> if you haven't, keep in mind if you hit a blog that has no bar at the top, use the back button on your browser to go to the previous blog and then hit the reload page button on your browser. This will randomly generate a new blog to go to when you click on Next Blog >>.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I don't care for politics too much, especially in other countries since it's none of my business but I hope someone does answer their question since they seem to think their vote was stolen over there in Iran.

I hope the people of Iran get an honest and truthful answer as well as their wish for transparent, open, and honest elections. I don't think they'd make that big and amazingly peaceful of a fuss if something wasn't rotten in Tehran.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Netbook Rambling

Last year I bought an Asus EEE 701 4G netbook. It had the small 7" screen and tiny keyboard but it was a dream come true for work. Low powered computer that just worked. I was so happy with the 4G I bought a second netbook a few months later. I got a shiny new EEE 1000 40G.

Well I started out using the Xandros Linux on the EEE's and it worked great but I wanted more. So I tried Windows XP for a short time but XP was such a bloated and slow mess I went back to Xandros. Then along came UbuntuEEE (Now EasyPeasy) and I was really happy what it did for my 40G. Finally Canonical came out with Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix and it's the bees knees for netbook OS's.

So now what do i want in an upgrade? Well I imagine I won't bother upgrading for a long time. My 701 4G sits around doing nothing but my 1000 40G is chugging along great, still the day will come when it will need replaced so here's my list what I'm looking for now.

  • Solid state drive.
  • 2 gigs of ram
  • 10" display that will handle 1024x768 natively.
  • Processor isn't too big a deal. These are supposed to be low powered machines where heat isn't a problem and battery life goes on and on. Little faster wouldn't hurt so long as it's low powered.
  • Battery life lasts a very long time. (Greater then 8 hours)
  • The rest of it can basically be like the EEE 1000 40G.
  • Support for Linux drivers from the manufacture or Ubuntu Netbook Remix preinstalled. :)
Now over time this will change somewhat I imagine, but that is what would make me buy a new netbook at this point.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Air France and Debris...

So I was reading CNN today and they said that the oil slick that is like 12 miles long if I remember right. Well the debris they found think was not from the lost plane, apparently it's from other sources.

It's sad to think we messed up the oceans so bad we can't tell a plane wreck from the garbage dumps floating out in the oceans. I guess we got one going in the Atlantic now too.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Older sometimes isn't what it seems...

Remember what I said in the last post about Money? Forget it... It was working great yesterday though today when I went to import an account it forgot I had already setup my accounts. Needless to say Money 2000 does not work well with Linux.

Update: Meh, I'll go with GNUCash. It's nice, does the job, and my only complaint really is how it breaks up all my transactions in to different accounts. I don't normally think of things like "Education" as an account but a category in my account. Ah well I can live it since it remembers to leave my real accounts open.

Side Note: I still think Money 2000 is better then Money 2007. I just liked how it felt.